
Pet care assistance

  • Walking distance
  • Overexposure
  • Baby monitor


We hire responsible employees specially trained to work with animals so that you can be calm for the safety and leisure of your pet. You may need our help in a variety of life situations

  • If you are going on vacation
  • Your work schedule is too busy
  • Do you want to relax with friends or just be lazy
  • You can't leave a hooligan pet alone at home


We provide a wide range of additional services

Washing a pet with
hypoallergenic shampoo


Carefully take care of your pet's fur


We cut the claws of pets
quickly and without stress

Wool shearing

Let's trim the pet's fur
taking into account the characteristics of the breed

Brushing teeth

Let's clean your
pet's teeth with a special paste

Pet supplies delivery

We will deliver the necessary goods
from our suppliers

Visiting a groomer

Reduce your pet to a
groomer if you don't have time

Visit to the veterinarian

We will visit a veterinarian with your pet if necessary

We will be glad to meet
your pet!

Bring your pet or order walking services
from your home and the first trial walk will cost
only 190 dollars. Try it, you will definitely like it!


Reliable walkers and sitters

checking documents

When applying for a job, we check first of all the personal qualities of an employee, and then we look through his documents - we check for the absence of criminal records

checking knowledge

After training, each employee must confirm their exceptional knowledge and skills by passing the appropriate exams and working out the knowledge in practice

teaching working with pets

Professional dog handlers have developed a special training methodology for our dog walkers and zookeepers. They also take exams at the end of their studies

signing the contract

A specialist enters into a contract with each client. With it, you can be sure that you and your pet are provided with high-quality and safe services

Our team

Dog walkers and dog sitters are trained by dog handlers after strict selection.
There are no random people in our team — only those who love animals and are not afraid of responsibility

Julia moon

Founder, veterinarian

My love for animals knows no bounds - I am happy to help any fluffy. That's why I decided to create a pet care assistance team.

Mark Newell


I believe that any pet, even the most aggressive, can be approached, and I have always succeeded. I will be glad to work with your pet!

Ashley queen


I've always dreamed of spending a lot of time with animals and this has become my profession. I really like helping our little brothers and friends!

Marta Olsen

The walker

If you don't have the time or opportunity to take a walk with your dog, I'm ready to help! With me, your pet will not get bored for a minute.

How to order services?


You can choose any sitter or walker that you like

Contact us

Fill in form or call our phone number listed in contacts

payment directly
to a specialist

You can pay for the service directly to a sitter or a walker when you have him

Save your time
and give care to pets


fun walks with a pet

While we are walking with your pet, you can go about your business


let's stay with your pet

Your pet will be under our supervision while you are busy


taking care of your pet

We will take care of the welfare of your pet and his leisure

Answers to questions

What if my pet doesn't get along with the dog walker?

All our specialists are professionally trained to establish contact with any pets, no matter how harmful they may be. You can be sure that the walk will be calm and fun.

What if I'm not at home?

You can arrange for a specific time or leave the keys with the neighbors (or the concierge). If you leave the keys with the neighbors, you can ask them to escort the sitter to the apartment for security purposes.

Will my dog walk on a leash?

We provide our clients' pets with special equipment for safe walks, so that you can be sure that everything will be fine with your pet and he will not run away anywhere.

How long does the dog walk last?

Dog walking lasts from 20 to 60 minutes, which is a comfortable option for the animal to walk. If desired, you can request a shorter or longer walk.


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Contact us